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Government Relations Committee

The Government Relations committee works with various U.S. government agencies that impact industrial process heating.  These include the U.S. Department of Energy/Office of Industrial Technologies with which IHEA jointly developed the DOE/IHEA Roadmap of Industrial Heat Processing; and the Department of Commerce to enhance U.S. export capabilities.  The committee provides support of the DOE "Process Heating Advisory Committee" which was formed by DOE and IHEA to meet specific needs of user companies in heat processing technology.

If you are an IHEA member and would like to join this Committee and view member only committee information, please click the Members Only area and sign into your profile.

If you are an IHEA member and would like to view member only committee information, please sign-in to your on-line account and click here to view the Government Relations Committee pages which include meeting minutes and a list of committee members.


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